Outdoor Education and Community

Almost finished our first week in Prince Rupert with School District 52! It is quite a change from the large district I have been with so far. One thing I have noticed, even in the short time that I have been here, is the emphasis on community. On Tuesday, my peers and I had the honour to help paint a rainbow bridge. It was wonderful to see teachers, counselors, administration, city officials, and of course, most importantly, students, coming together. I think it is important to acknowledge the work that went into making the rainbow happen. The rainbow bridge was the product of a year’s worth of effort between dedicated school officials, students, and the city. My fellow CFE students and I are very lucky that our time here happened to coincide with the actual painting.

Another amazing aspect of SD 52 is the emphasis on outdoor education. In the past two days I went on two outdoor excursions, one with an early primary class, the other with a middle school class. It was great to see how successful outdoor education can be with all grades. Both ages were exploring and interacting with their environment, asking questions, being physically active, and having fun! With the middle school class, I really appreciated the “choose your own adventure” opportunities the students were given.  Some students stayed at the beach and swam in the – extremely cold! – lake, some sat at the campfire with a book, a few went fishing, and a group joined me and another adult on a short hike along a creek. These opportunities help build the sense of community not just within a classroom, but on a larger scale. Students create memories and build connections to the place in which they live, which will help them grow into responsible citizens.

I am beginning to feel very grateful for the opportunities we have to be involved in. Like the middle school class, my peers and I are choosing our own adventures for our time in Prince Rupert. I’m looking forward to another week filled with rich and diverse adventures!

Also, here’s a shot of the finished bridge!


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