Hello world!

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Hello my fellow classmates!

Sorry for catching on so late, this will not happen again! And hello perhaps to anyone else chancing upon this sight as well? I’m excited to begin the readings for this course! First up, a little introduction. I’m a 4th year Philosophy student with a minor in English Literature! I’m from a tiny place called Singapore which experiences summer all year round and is known for its great street food!

Getting back on track, the course, in summary, entails the discussion and examination of Canadian literature through a myriad of sources. Throughout the semester, it is our onus as students to analyze our sources and use it as a springboard for the discussion of creating change, which is done through the means of a very hands-on online course. It is with hope that the discourse that is reached will synthesize useful ideas and create dialogue which I believe can even further extend beyond the sphere of Canada. The land and the people are at the centre of this course, as students, what can we do to analyze and examine changes we would perhaps want to see?


That being said, my expectations for the course are simple! I am pursuing a minor in English Literature, and of course, studying in Canada (Oh Home and Native Land!). So being able to check off something such as ‘Canadian Literature’ as one of my courses is a definite must! Of course there lies so much for readers like ourselves to explore in terms of Canadian Literature- with a culture and history which is relatively young in comparison to some others, it far from pales in terms of its rich and interesting aspects. I believe that from a different range of background we would all be able to provide interesting perspectives throughout the discussion of this course and its very relevant context. How can change be beneficial and yet preserve tradition?

I hope to learn more about the base which forms Canada and inevitably the changes which have occurred over time, and hope this course can help me to do so! Looking forward to learning from and working with everyone! Have a great weekend!

To learn more about First Nations status according to the Canadian government: https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1307460755710/1307460872523

For an example of the worries faced by the First Nations, but in fact should be a concern for humanity in general:

And for some of the benefits of learning about First Nations literature, please see: