Assignment 2:3 – Home from Multiple Perspectives

Posted by in Assignments, Unit 2

After reading through a few different blogs about what people think of when they think of home, I see a few common themes.

For many, the feeling of home is directly correlated with family or roots. In Laryssa’s post, she talks about her family roots stretching way back 100 years through their farm. I think history is a big part of home for lots of people, and story is a big part of history. When stories regarding family history are shared, I find people often feel a strong connection to the place that these (hi)stories are tied to.

Another common theme I found is people. I feel at home where I do largely because of the people that are there. My family being the biggest reason, if they were no longer there, I feel like my sense of home would be altered- as if someone took a central piece of your favourite puzzle and hid it from you. In Navi’s post, her mother is a key factor in what home means to her, which is something I deeply relate to. Wherever I am with my mom, I feel like a piece of home has come to me.

The third thing I noticed, was connections. Whether it be spiritual or personal connections like Linda mentions, or connections bound by memories, connections are a fundamental building block in our foundation of “home”.

I think through reading through these blogs, King’s words “the truth about stories is that that’s all we are” (King: 2) ring truer than ever. Seeing what everyone thinks of as home and how they view that concept really puts into perspective the extent to which stories make up our lives. Whether they are stories about family histories, things we did as a child, or stories we believe in, they are what make up us. Our make ups are each unique, based on our stories, much like our versions of home are unique and equally as based on our stories.

Works Cited

King, Thomas. The Truth About Stories. Toronto: House of Anansi, 2003. Print.