The New BC Curriculum, of course!
This great piece of work has curricular competencies related to digital and media literacy for all grades. It starts concretely with asking teachers to show students how to use the materials, tools, and technologies, and then slowly builds in the later grades to awareness of safety.
- Curricular competencies for grades
- K-3: Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner in both physical and digital environments (Take a look at “12 Essentials of Digital Literacy” for an overview of what skills to start teaching [case 10 blog link])
- 4-5: Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments
- 6+: Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments
- Content starts in grade 6-7 as digital literacy and media arts, and looks like this:
Digital Literacy & Internet safety
- digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication
- legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying
- methods for personal media management
- search techniques, how search results are selected and ranked, and criteria for evaluating search results
- strategies to identify personal learning networks
Media Arts
- digital and non-digital media, and their distinguishing characteristics and uses
- techniques for using images, sounds, and text to communicate information, settings, ideas, and story structure
- media technologies and techniques to capture, edit, and manipulate images, sounds, and text for specific purposes
- influences of digital media for the purpose of communication and self-expression
Need I put a plug in for MediaSmarts? This resource covers many of the above topics and then some. Check it out!