“Business Ethics” – A subject at University

How important is it to teach business students the importance of ethics in a business? Businesses already have training programs for new employees to get them acquainted with the do’s and dont’s of the organisation, so how would a business ethics degree help? The answer to these questions is what the article I read offers. “Ethics” as simple as it may sound is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp and truly understand. The reason being , like finance, marketing or accounting it cant be taught by simply opening up a textbook. The article underlines that everyone has an ethical decision to make sometime in their career, for some the degree of importance the decision holds may vary but the concept is still the same. At such a time, how do you approach a problem? It is for this reason that teaching ethics to business students is imperative for Universities.

In order to make students better grasp the concept, Universities have started recreating scenarios in a class room setting, and making the experience more real and practical. They have also started appointing MBA students on the strategic leadership projects of companies to make the experience and subject even better.

To conclude, no matter how well you know your job, or however high you’re on the ranking scale, one wrong/un-ethical decision, is enough to bring down everything.

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