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Archive for the 'Genre' Category

The ETEC 533 Journey: A Reflection

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Technology in the classroom. Sounds like an issue to me!  Technology is constantly changing, as a result so does how we use it.  I became involved in this program in order to learn more about different types of technology and how it can be used to help people understand things.  Seems simple right?  While as […]

A Virtual Science Learning Environment in Second Life

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

I chose to look into learning science in Second Life (SL) as I have become quite intrigued with virtual worlds and education. I think there is huge potential for using these virtual spaces to create learning opportunities. Genome Island is a virual laboratory for teaching undergraduate genetics since 2007. The island includes many activities including experiments […]

Role Playing in the Math and Science Classroom…. can it be done?

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Role playing in the science and math classroom I think has been neglected as a teaching style to promote student learning. It is true these techniques are often employed in social studies so I am trying to consider why they are not generally a part of the sciences. Role playing may provide opportunities for students […]

Is Second Life merely a techie playground for social encounters or can it be transformed into a meaningful and effective method of instruction?

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

SL can be considered many things.  Since it is not a game and has no objective or goal then it can be whatever the user wants it to be.  If the user is looking to play and engage in social interactions simply for a neat way to waste time then that can be done.  Does […]

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