A Private Matter for Facebook

Posted by: | September 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment

With the digital age becoming a more cumbersome reality, social networking is becoming an imperative tool in modern society. One company in particular, Facebook, seems to define this: from a professional and personal point of view, Facebook is a practical way of connecting and expanding communication while maximizing utility for its user. Facebook attempts to […]

The financial issues of the Eurozone nations and the United States have left yet again another gloomy perception on the conditions of global economies. With drastic austerity budget plans being developed in countries such as France and Italy, the United States formulated a policy in reducing their own deficit: taxing the rich and wealthy. Recently, […]

Longest Running Fraud Exposed

Posted by: | September 15, 2011 | 3 Comments

A fraudulent scam that originated in 1920, the Ponzi scheme made headlines in recent times due to the notoriety of Bernard Madoff’s crimes; with over $50 billion lost, it is the largest fraud in history. Madoff, once a trusted and valued member of Wall Street’s exclusive society, left thousands ruined as the wealthy and famous […]

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