A Private Matter for Facebook

Posted by: | September 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment


With the digital age becoming a more cumbersome reality, social networking is becoming an imperative tool in modern society. One company in particular, Facebook, seems to define this: from a professional and personal point of view, Facebook is a practical way of connecting and expanding communication while maximizing utility for its user. Facebook attempts to ‘get to know you’ by prompting its users to share information about themselves. Recently at Facebook’s F8 Developer’s Conference, CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced new changes and made it clear what the company’s future goals are: to ensure people will reveal more about themselves, thus allowing the company to use that information to target advertise its users.

It’s one thing to innovate, but it’s another to take away privacy and publicly archive our lives for the benefits of raising profits. Without taking into consideration the consequences of such drastic revisions, the company may lose the support of many that feel intimidated with having so much information out in the open. Facebook has certainly played a major role in crafting the social networking movement, but the developed notion that “Big Brother is watching you” is becoming a bit too much.

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