From issues regarding euro-zone antics to reports of recent sport headlines, this Economist blog can be perceived at first glance as nothing out of the ordinary; except, it isn’t like anything I have ever read before. Titled ‘The World in 2012: Cassandra,” the blog focuses on past historic information and formulates predictions for the upcoming […]

Here is a link to my comment on Rachael Reddy’s blog post. Rachael wrote on the leading innovative ways of Facebook and how it changed the way people socialized with one another. The topic of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg as being an ‘entrepreneurial genius’ caught my attention as I completely agree with Rachael’s point […]

If not for a certain entrepreneurial company, our daily lives would be significantly inefficient and certain beloved products would cease to exist. This company is of course, 3M, a global conglomerate consisting of scientists in its history, whom invented a series of prominent items today, most knowingly Post-It Notes. Although 3M employee Art Fry stumbled […]

Here is a link to my comment on Jeremy Kwan’s blog post. Jeremy wrote on the issue of America’s 401(k) retirement plan system and the recent controversy surrounding it. The topic of whether or not the 401(k) retirement plan should be abolished has raised my interest on the matter. From reading Jeremy’s post and […]

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