From issues regarding euro-zone antics to reports of recent sport headlines, this Economist blog can be perceived at first glance as nothing out of the ordinary; except, it isn’t like anything I have ever read before. Titled ‘The World in 2012: Cassandra,” the blog focuses on past historic information and formulates predictions for the upcoming year. In a series of posts, I was intrigued by the concept and found it quite amusing to read as it forced myself to ponder on subjects, such as the possible outcome of the upcoming French presidential election. In this post, Cassandra makes the prediction that Sarkozy will fail to win over the confidence of France; in another post, Scottish tennis player Andy Murray, whom had never won a Grand Slam tournament, is expected to beat favoured top-tiered players.

With such diversity in the topics, and the ever-lasting appeal that causes me to question my own dominant beliefs, I feel that the blog serves as a useful reminder for me to question norms and the notion that change continually occurs. As a business student, these skills will prove to be useful since devising plans for the future will undoubtedly serve as a qualifying asset.

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