Author: drjamm

Conference Presentations

(*=Invited presentation) (Qx = Paper acceptance pending and then cancelled due to COVID quarantine) Motherwell McFarlane, J.A. (2023). The Psychology of making one change “Get cape, wear cape, Fly.” hero’s journey and Make One change with W.O.O.P. Keynote address for

Grants awarded

Life Outside the Box crime prevention program         $100,000 Teachers and school liaison officers will empower middle-grade children in high-crime neighbourhoods to “think outside the box”: Creating comics, sharing stories, believing in a better future. The Life

Volunteer Community Work

Co-dean, summer camp, Eliot Institute As a co-dean of two summer camps for Unitarian Universalist families, I volunteered to share in supporting the keynote presenter; recruiting a full staff for the camp; developing a full 7-day program with music, small


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