Learning Technologies: Design & Applications

Reflections: Assessing languages

June 17th, 2010 · No Comments

Multifaceted evaluations

It is always a challenge to evaluate from various points of view. In languages, we have the oral component, the written aspect, the cultural dimension, etc. These different linguistic perspectives allow for the creation of a wide range of evaluation strategies.

In my film classes, we focus a lot on the process (filming, editing contributions) and the final product, of course. However, the audience also assesses the films. This gives a somewhat more objective point of view to the overall measurement of knowledge acquisition.

I don’t know about you, but I constantly refine my assessments! I usually ask the students’ assistance… which helps keep the evaluations relevant and meaningful to them.

However, getting it “right” is not something that I aim for…

It is an organic process, and, although some of the evaluations are quite to the point, others will always need to be reevaluated due to the fact that we change our genres or our themes…

Tags: Discussion #3: Interactions to support learning

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