Innovation And Design
Across most definitions of entrepreneurship, you will find notions of Innovation, Risk and Creating Value. Here are a few sites focused specifically on innovating in business.
1. Every year the serious research team from The Global Innovation Index isolates a long list of indicators to measure levels of innovation across the world. It’s interesting for entrepreneurs to see how relevant countries fare and what cultural, organizational and individual elements are behind great creative strides.
2. Here in British Columbia, the BC Innovation Council is focused on identifying and nurturing technology entrepreneurs in the province. They offer a new venture competition, accelerators, mentoring, launch academies and more.
3. UBC’s Sauder Business School is home to a d Studio that offers insights and experiential learning in strategic design for multi-disciplinary teams. Here you’ll find instructions on how to apply a list of strategic design techniques from concept mapping to max axes, dotmocracy and open spaces.
4. Stanford’s d school – headed by IDEO founder David Kelley – offers an abundance of their materials free online including the enormously helpful bootcamp bootleg.