Futurpreneur: Networking
It is a word that horrifies as much as it excites. Some can’t wait to get out there. Others see ‘networking’ as artificial interactions in awkward environments. Here, Chad Fryling and Paulina Cameron – our experts from Futurpreneur Canada – define networking in the entrepreneurial context and offer some concrete advice on how to do it more effectively.
Video Application
1. How can you apply some of the specific networking techniques mentioned by Chad and Paulina in this video as you go about building your own venture?
2. You have to leave a message for an important strategic partner for your business. You have never met them and have no contacts in common. Your life will be so much easier if they are on board, but you just can’t reach them in person. What type of partner might this be in your business? Write down the message you would leave for them describing who you are and why you are contacting them.
When you’re done, run it by some people you know for input. What kind of impact is your message having?
3. Chad suggests that you ‘contact your competition.’ Based on his explanation: whom would you contact and what would you say?
The Video
Support between entrepreneurs and between entrepreneurs and advisors-mentors from e101 on Vimeo.