Intellectual Property
It is wise for entrepreneurs to think about intellectual property at the early stages when they are first becoming serious about an idea. Is this innovation patentable? With whom should you and should you not be discussing it?
Susan Ben-Oliel is a registered Patent Agent in Canada and the United States, a Trade-mark Agent in Canada and a technology and intellectual property lawyer in Canada, working for Fasken Martineau. Here she discusses IP with e101 alum Matt Parson and Neha Varshneya.
Video Application
Reference specifics in the video as you answer these questions…
1. Would it make sense for you to talk to a lawyer about any intellectual property rights associated with your venture? Why or why not and, if so, what type of protection would you seek?
2. How and when does it make sense for you to use a Non-Disclosure Agreement in your business?
The Video
IP Questions – from e101 on Vimeo.