UPDATED Next meeting: Thurs. 28 Oct. 2010

Confirming the time and place for the next meeting of the EARLY ROMANCE STUDIES (ERS) research cluster: it will be held
from 6:00 to 7:30
in the FHIS Lounge, UBC Buchanan Tower room 799 (7th floor).
ERS meetings are open to everyone and we welcome participation from members of other departments and from outside UBC.

*Please note that the tower is locked after 6:30, so you will not be able to come in after that time.

This informal meeting will include a pot-luck (cold) supper, so if you can, bring a little something to share. (Nothing with strong smells, please, as our lounge opens onto the lobby only.) Also, please bring info, announcements, interesting new publications to pass around.


1. Introductions, welcoming new members.

2. Short research presentation by Nancy Frelick (FHIS) on Marguerite de Navarre:
“The Quality of ‘Mercy’ in the Heptameron”

Please see Nancy’s published paper on this topic (PDF, opens in new window):
“Love, Mercy, and Courtly Discourse: Marguerite de Navarre Reads Alain Chartier.” Mythes à la cour, mythes pour la cour (Courtly Mythologies).  Actes du XIIe Congrès de la Société internationale de littérature courtoise 29 juillet-4 août 2007 (Universités de Lausanne et de Genève).  Eds Alain Corbellari, Yasmina Foehr-Janssens, Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Jean-Yves Tilliette et Barbara Wahlen. Genève: Droz (2010): 325-36

It would be good if as many people as possible could read this article before the meeting. The idea is that Nancy will give us a 20-min. presentation about it, followed by a discussion.  This can be the beginning of reflection on one of the themes we wanted to look at: intertextuality.  if anyone else would like to circulate articles, etc., you could bring them to the meeting or e-mail them to Chantal Phan.

3. Selection of themes to be discussed in the next few meetings. The idea would be to read a few articles or excerpts ahead of time and discuss them. Some of the themes that have been suggested since our last meeting include: intertextuality, interdisciplinarity, the absurd, translation—as each of these apply to research on Medieval, Renaissance, Early Modern literature. Please bring along articles or primary texts that you would like the group to discuss at the next few meetings, or email them to Chantal Phan.

4. Planning of sessions addressing specific research needs and wishes of graduate students in the Early Romance field. Please bring your suggestions.

5. Update on inviting a speaker within the Green College series in the second semester.

6. AOB

The people who have offered to do a short research presentation are, so far:
Nancy Frelick (October 28),
Marina Lushchenko (late November),
Chantal Phan (early January),
Amie Kraus (late January),
Juliet O’Brien (February).
Anyone else?

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