Next meeting: Tues. 9 Nov. 2010

Our next meeting will be an information and discussion session on library research specifically for early Romance topics. It will be organized by Nancy Frelick, and will also involve the assistance of a UBC librarian.

6.00 p.m., Koerner Library room 216

The Early Romance Studies research cluster is organizing a session with three librarians (Susan Paterson, Keith Bunnell, and Mary Luebbe) on Tuesday November 9 from 6:00-7:30pm in Room 216 at Koerner Library to share information about resources available for research on early Romance topics through the library, etc. Please feel free to bring laptops and materials to share, along with questions, etc.

Among other things, the librarians will be on hand to

  • present significant microform collections that are hidden from view (ie: not accessible through online catalogues, etc)
  • share information about early modern resources, especially in French, Spanish, Italian, and German
  • help us find/use bibliographic or other resources
  • show us where we can find information about tutorials on various subjects
  • field various questions

Please CONFIRM your participation and also SEND ALONG ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE ADDDRESSED AT THE MEETING (email Professor Nancy Frelick) so that we can make this session as relevant as possible for all participants; this does not preclude anyone from asking impromptu questions, as well.

The remaining Fall semester meeting dates are as follows:

  • Nov. 9 at 6:00 library session. Koerner Library room 216.
  • Nov. 25 at 6:00: presentation by Marina Lushchenko, followed by a session on manuscripts (Juliet O’Brien and Chantal Phan). We will be joined at this session by Kirsten Walsh, Music librarian. Music Library Research Room
  • Dec. 9 at 6:00 presentation by Margherita Romengo and pot-luck dinner. Buchanan Tower 799.

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