Week 7 – LA Studio

Scientific name: Acer platanoides

Cultivars: Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ similar but RED fall colour***

Family: Sapindaceae

Common name: Norway Maple

Zone: 3 to 7

Form/Height/Spread: Upright tree, 40-50, 20-50.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Opposite. Yellow in fall.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Samara. Insignificant flowers.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Sun to part shade. Medium well drained soil but highly adaptable to a range of soil conditions. Shade, street tree. Overused and overrated tree. Needs more room.

Acer Platanoides

Crimson King Below

Scientific name: Arbutus unedo

Common name: strawberry tree

Family: Ericaceae

Cultivar: ‘Compacta’ f rubra.

Zone: 7

Form/Height/Spread: rounded. 4-8m, 4-7m.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Evergreen.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: White small flowers. Round red textured fruit.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Full sun, well-drained soil. Needs protection from cold winters. Drought, heat tolerant but intolerant of poor drainage. Good specimen or accent tree.


Scientific name: Betula nigra

Family: Betulaceae

Common name: river birch

Zone: 4

Form/Height/Spread: oval/round. 8-12m, 2-4m.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Yellow.


Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Full sun to part shade, moist, well-drained soil. Best in colonies, stream banks and moist hillsides. Specimen or accent tree.


Scientific name: Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’

Family: Betulaceae

Common name: Europoan hornbeam

Zone: 5

Form/Height/Spread: Rounded or Pyramidal. 6-12, 2-10m.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Yellow, sometimes orange.


Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit):Full sun to shade, moist, well-drained soil. Tolerant of occasional flooding, various soil conditions, air pollutions and rough physical treatment. Specimen or accent shade tree.



Scientific name: Clematis Armandii

Common name: Armand clematis

Family: Ranunculaceae

Zone: 7

Cultivar: ‘Snowdrift’

Form/Height/Spread: Climbing vine, 15, 40.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Opposite. Evergreen.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Big white flowers, fragrant.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Shade, protected shelter. Needs support. Climbs by tendrils.


Scientific name: Cornus alba ‘Argenteo-Marginata’

Common name: tatarian dogwood

Family Cornaceae

Zone: 3 to 7

Form/Height/Spread: Suckering/multi-stemmed/Thicket. .8-10, 5-10

Leaf/Fall Colour: Opposite

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Creamy white flowers, white attractive berries.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Full sun to part shade. Medium water use. Screen, hedge, border shrub. Attract winter red stems.


Scientific name: Cotoneaster salicifolius

Common name: willowleaf cotoneaster

Family: Rosaceae

Cultivar: Autumn Fire

Zone: 6-8

Form/Height/Spread: Shrub, arching/spreading.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Evergreen.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Small white flowers. Red fruit.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Hedge, screen bank cover. Small Grouping. Focal point. Sun to shade, well drained soil.


Scientific name: Euonymus alatus

Common name: winged euonymus

Family: Celastriaceae

Zone: 3 to 8.

Form/Height/Spread: Mound. 15-20’

Leaf/Fall Colour: Opposite. Bright red.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Insignificant yellow green flowers. Red capsule fruit.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Unlimited use/border, hedge, specimen, screen, massing. Well drained soil, heavy shade.



Scientific name: Hydrangea petiolaris

Common name: climbing hydrangea

Family: Hydrangeaceae

Zone: 4 to 7

Form/Height/Spread: Unlimited climbing vine. 60-80’

Leaf/Fall Colour: Opposite. Stay green in late fall.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Dull white, influeorence flowers. Unimportant fruit capsule.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Rich, well-drained soil. Sun or shade. Good climbing vine, needs texture to climb.



Scientific name: Ilex crenata

Common name: Japanese holly

Zone: 5 to 7

Form/Height/Spread: Dense, shrub. 5 to 10’.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Evergreen. Alternate

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Dull green. Black berry drupe.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Excellent texture, mound, massing, hedging. ‘Overused and abused’. Light-well-drained soil, shade adapted.


Scientific name: Parthenocissus tricuspidata

Common name: Boston ivy

Family: Vitaceae

Zone: 3 to 9

Form/Height/Spread: Climbing Vine. 30-50’

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Orange/Red.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Greenish white. Black berry-like drupes.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Tough, walls, trellis. Can rip off building. Intolerant of salt. Tolerant of city conditions, pollution. Sun or shade, well-drained soil but adaptable to many soil conditions.


Scientific name: Phyllostachy aurea

Common name: golden bamboo

Zone: 6-10

Family: Poaceae

Form/Height/Spread: running bamboo.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Evergeen. Yellow/golden orange in Sun.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Insignificant.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Full sun to part shade, well drained soil. Needs to be contained and sheltered. Screening or headge. Attractive golden features.


Scientific name: Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra”

Common name: cherry plum

Family name: Rosaceae

Zone: 3 to 8

Form/Height/Spread: Small, shrub tree. 15’ to 30’, 15-25’

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Insignificant.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Perfect, white. Reddish bloomy drupe.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Average to well-drained soil. Full sun, adaptable ph. levels.  Can create dark spot. Good as specimen, grouping, foundation planting.


Scientific name: Quercus frainetto

Common name: Hungarian oak

Family: Fagaceae


Form/Height/Spread: Oval.8-18, 8-12m.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Yellow/Brown.

Flower/Cone/Fruit:Acorns. Fruit attracts squirrels.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Full-sun, well drained soil. Heat, Drought tolerant. Intolerant of poor drainage. Specimen, street tree or shade tree.


Scientific name: Quercus rubra

Common name: red oak

Family name: Fagaceae

Cultivar: Aurea

Zone: 3

Form/Height/Spread: Large, round, spreading. 10, 20m and 8-15 m.

Leaf/Fall Colour: Alternate. Yellow brown to bronze.

Flower/Cone/Fruit: Acorns.

Site (Soil, Light, Water, Limit): Specimen, street tree, shade. Needs space. Full sun and well-drained soil. Tolerates heat, drought wind and most urban conditions but not poor drainage. Can be dangerous as older branches fall/break.


Scientific name: Rhododendron ‘PJM’

Common name: PJM Rhododendron

Family name: Ericaceae

Zone: 4

Form/Height/Spread: Small shrub, 3-5 feet.

Leaf/Fall: Whirl. Evergreen but coppery in winter.

Flower/Fruit/Cone: Lavender

Site: Sun to part shade, well-drained, acidic soil. Residential scale, small shrub, border.


Family name: Salix scouleriana

Cultivar: Scouler’s Willow

Zone: 5

Form/Height/Spread: Round, shrub small tree. 2 to 7 m

Leaf/Fall: Alternate. Brown.

Flower/Fruit/Cone: Pussy willow like catkins. Reddish brown long capsules.

Site: Flood or avalanche areas. Invades quickly after logging and fires. Helps after forest disturbances.


Scientific name: Vaccinium corymbosum

Family Ericaceae

Common name: highbush blueberry

Zone: 3-7

Form/Height/Spread: Small thicket shrub. 6-12’, 8-12’

Leaf/Fall: Alternate. Red.

Flower/Fruit/Cone: White to pink flower. Blue Fruit.

Site: Acidic, sandy, swampy soils. Small bush, good for hedging, border or small pot.


Scientific name: Zelkova serrata

Family name: Ulmaceae

Common name: Japanese zelkova

Zone: 5 to 8

Form/Height/Spread: Round tree. 50-80’, 50 to 80’.

Leaf/Fall: Alternate. Yellow orange.

Flower/Fruit/Cone: Insiginificant. Wingless drupes.

Site: Average to medium wet, well drained soils. Full sun. Tolerant of urban conditions. Tolerant of Dutch elm diseases. Likes rich loams. Shade, park tree or lawn,




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