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Archive for the 'Aboriginal Title and Rights' Category

Gitxaala Nation Video Project

For several years we have been engaged in producing videos as part of the research project. One of the outcomes is a documentary about Gitxaala Nation. The documentary reflects our, that is the production team’s, perspective. As a way to open the conversation we have taken four clips and posted them on a special web […]

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BC government getting ready to massively restructure forest science funding and programs

Rumours have been flying over the state of BC’s Forest Science Program.  Research grant funding was supposed to have been announced March 20th.  However no news has come forward formally. PriceWaterhouseCooper staff had this to say March 30th (PwC administers the FSP reserach program): There’s been a delay in sending notifications out to Full Proposal […]

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In Defense of Anthropology

As an Indigenous person I have often been asked ‘why are you an anthropologist?’  The question is rooted in an Indiana Jones type image of anthropologist roving around the world stealing cultural objects and knowledge form indigenous peoples or ancient societies.  But it’s not a depiction of the real world practice of anthropology as I […]

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