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Archive for the 'Fisheries' Category

Laxyuup Gitxaala – research trips 2011

Since 2009 a joint UBC/Gitxaala research team has been documenting ancient Gitxaala villages and resource harvesting sites.  We have ranged from K’modah (Lowe Inlet) to Campania Island to Banks Island and within Kitkatla Inlet.  We have identified half a dozen villages not previously recorded in the provincial database. This final trip of the 2011 reserach […]

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I’ve had a series of blog discussion with Tad McIlwraith as a result of his call for a list of BC ethnographies (see: http://tinyurl.com/29squal ).  What has piqued my curiosity is that all of the ethnographies that have been listed are about First Nations people. So, my question to you:  Can you suggest ethnographies about […]

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First Nations Curriculum Makes Learning Relevant

Originally published in the Georgia Straight By rob mcmahon Publish Date: 19-Aug-2004 The Gitga’at community of Hartley Bay is located 145 kilometres southeast of Prince Rupert. The school there houses just 55 students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Tiny and remote, with a close relationship with the local Tsimshian band council, Hartley Bay is perfectly […]

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