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Archive for the 'Fisheries' Category

Skeena Wild -conservation organization

Skeena Watershed | Skeena Wild – Conservation Trust

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Documenting the Changes in the French Fishing Industry

Working in collaboration with members of the Le Guilvinec Fishermen’s Committee, The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC is making a documentary that explores how family-based fishing is navigating the impacts of increasingly liberalized trade in fish and fish products. Le Marin, the leading marine policy and issues newspaper in France has published an article on […]

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Tourism and Fishing Communities Congress in Muros, Galicia

From April 20-23, 2006 I was an invited participant at the Muros Congress on Tourism and Fishing Communities. This event was organized by a variety of government and university centers, most notably the Centre for Studies in Tourism based at the University of Santiago de Compostella. The objective of the congress was to explore the […]

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