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Archive for the 'Fisheries' Category

Trans Atlantic Connections: A Study of North Atlantic Fisheries in the Global Economy

Fishing communities around the globe find themselves locked paradoxically between intensely local expressions of community and increasingly liberalized economic regimes. Commonly referred to as globalization, these trans-national processes are having a direct and often destabilizing effect on fishing communities. However, the changes are neither preordained nor uniform across different local settings. Furthermore, local level processes […]

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Development in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Extremely low salmon returns paired with falling salmon prices forced the Governor of Alaska to declare Bristol Bay an economic disaster in 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2001. In addition to economic hardship, the “no fish and fewer dollars” scenario, which persisted through the 2003 season, resulted in significant demographic change and the potential opening of […]

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38 B.C. sockeye runs endangered(?)

From the cbc online: At least 38 sockeye salmon runs along the West Coast are in danger of imminent extinction, says a new report by the Sierra Club of B.C. The report by salmon biologist Dr. David Levy’s blames the declining sockeye runs on mixed-stock fisheries, poor fisheries management as well as climate change. Download […]

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