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Rachel Marsden, former SFU student, blazed into the fuzzy mascot debate with a decidedly untactful and provocative whine about poor white people being disrespected.  John  Semley provides a nice riposte to Marsden

Over the past week or so, frothing conservative columnist Rachel Marsden has been carving out an editorial niche for herself criticizing (and criticizing, and criticizing) the 2010 Vancouver Olympics logo and mascots. Writing for the Daily Telegraph, Canada’s ex-pat answer to Ann Coulter described the logo as “some sort of native Indian stone carving resembling a bloke with massive oedema of the legs” and the Games’ cartoon mascots as “various hybrids of legendary native indian [sic.] animals that could only ever exist only after a good toke-up of Canadian weed.” Continue reading here: Maisonneuve | Too Many Crazy Pills

Gitxaala Nation, located along BC’s northern coastline has recently published a new webpage for it’s Environmental Monitoring office.  Of note to University researchers is the protocol adopted by Gitxaala Council on September 9th, 2009 regulating research access to Gitxaala Territories.  As part of the Nations continuing program to ensure that rights and title are fully protected all researchers wishing to conduct research within Gitxaala Territory must submit their research for review and approval before beginning any work.

You can see the new webpage here.

For several years we have been engaged in producing videos as part of the research project. One of the outcomes is a documentary about Gitxaala Nation. The documentary reflects our, that is the production team’s, perspective. As a way to open the conversation we have taken four clips and posted them on a special web page unencumbered with our commentary.  After watching a clip viewers can then click through to discussion pages where they can add their thoughts and reflections or questions on the video clips.

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