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11/06/08 – Les premiers contrats bleus arrivent en Bretagne. 365 navires pourront bientot en beneficier

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Abalone charge fails

Chad Skelton, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, June 12, 2008

QUEEN CHARLOTTES – A Haida man charged with illegally fishing abalone in Gwaii Haanas National Park has been acquitted after a B.C. judge threw out most of the evidence against him.

Acidified ocean water threatens marine life from Mexico to Vancouver Island

Greenhouse gases have so profoundly altered the world’s oceans that scientists say “corrosive” acidified water is now surfacing off the west coast of North America.

The water, capable of dissolving the shells of marine organisms, is rising up from the deep ocean along the coast from Vancouver Island to Mexico, an international team reported Thursday in the journal Science.

Current debates around fisheries and BC’s salmon (see recent article by Mark Hume; see also, listing of his articles in the Globe and Mail) would suggest that it is unrepentant overfishing by BC’s fishermen that are at the root of declines in some fish stocks. However, it would appear that these changes are more likely the result larger climatic changes.

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