UBC Garden Summer Solstice Event

Message provided on behalf of Susan Gerofsky:

We want to invite you to be part of our annual Summer Solstice Celebration in the UBC Orchard Garden this Friday, June 23 from 10 AM – 1PM (or perhaps 1:30) at Totem Field, 2613 West Mall on the UBC Main Campus.

This year’s celebration is planned and led by UBC teachers candidates in the Community Field Experience practicum and by members of the Orchard Garden student team, from the faculties of Education and Land and Food Systems.

Come support the Orchard Garden, enjoy lunch and take home a bouquet of fresh herbs!

See the attached poster below for details — hope to see you there.

RSVPs and more information: susan.gerofsky@ubc.ca. Feel free to show up without RSVPs as well, and please do bring friends and colleagues!


Susan & the Orchard Garden team

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