
Ecopoetic events are a series of gatherings intended to catalyze a research cluster of likeminded individuals across disciplines and educational settings to consider the possibilities of renewing our commitment to land-based ecology and environmental education through a multiple literacies lens. We hope to develop collaborations that we can build upon for future initiatives involving ecology and arts-based practices.

This event and future happenings have been supported by the Ritsumeikan Seed Fund of UBC’s Department of Language and Literacy Education.

Our community has gathered for the following events:

2017 Committee members include:
Drs. Kedrick James, Carl Leggo, and George Belliveau.
PhD Students: Margaret McKeon,  Natalia Archacka, Claire Ahn

2018 Committee members include:
Dr. Kedrick James. Dr. Carl Leggo, Elizabeth Torres, Amber Moore, Kyle Stooshnov and Margaret McKeon

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