



February 2014

GSS Newsletter

Dear Graduate Students,

Snow wafted in, thick and heavy. Snowpersons were made, some pinocchio-esque, some playing table tennis, some prim and proper. And now they’re dying in the sun. It’s the circle of life (Insert full South African choirImage removed by sender. :)

GSS Social & Recreational:
– Let’s go Ski at Whistler on March 9th! The Deadline to register is still March 1st, so make your move!

– St. Patrick’s Day comes early to the GSS! On March 14th we’re planning the best night ever so Save the Date, and Line up something Clover Green! Drinks will be cheap or, if you have the luck of the Irish, maybe even free! Keep your eye out in next week’s newsletter for more details, or contact

– Reminder! Salsa Night is coming to the GSS on March 7th! Whether you’ve never stepped foot on a dance floor in your life, or are fluent in the language of dance, this event has something for you! We’ll give you a free hour long professional salsa lesson, a chance to strut your stuff salsa style, and then we’ll let the evening’s inspiration, good vibes (and cheap drinks!) suggest the rest of the moves! Tickets are available immediately online and in person at the GSS Office at just $5 for everyone, Grad and non-Grad. Tickets are limited, so get yours now!

GSS Advocacy:
– Together with members of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations Your GSS is highlighting student debt. Please add your brick and help us show how debt is becoming literally a larger and larger issue for students in Canada. Check out the Wall of Debt.

– Next week (March 2-5) the GSS along with other members of the Alliance of BC Studentswill be meeting with MLA’s in Victoria to discuss how students in BC should have better support mechanisms! The GSS delegation’s main goal is to lobby for a Provincial Graduate Scholarship similar to Ontario and Alberta’s.

GSS Opportunities:
To improve our booking services for students the GSS is looking to hire booking coordinators. If you are interested in helping other students setting up their events in the Thea Koerner House this would be a great opportunity for you. Learn more about the position here.

January Senate Update:
Julienne, who sits on the Senate has provided a rather meaty update to Senate activities. There are issues she asks your feedback on, including issues around graduate student learning and ways to improve safety on campus. There’s also some new approved courses and new awards available to graduate students! Read the full update!

That’s it from me! Watch out for melting ice!


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