A fulfilling term.

Although overly time-consuming and a bit too long (two hours a week from 3-5) in my opinion, I enjoyed this term’s Business Communications course.

From accomplishment statements in resumes to Pia’s information interview request tips, I learned a lot about job searching and a lot of skills will hopefully prove useful in the future.

One of the most enlightening takeaways from this course for me is the method of approach letters. I never realized that taking half an hour to write an engaging and forward letter followed up with a phone call could actually create a job opportunity for myself, in any sort of firm.

The lectures were always informative, although some of the information can be ambiguous so a final exam seems inappropriate. And I was fortunate to have a funny (supplemented with Youtube videos), nice, and extremely experienced TA in Pia. She was always helpful and gave us great advice from her own previous encounters in bizarre situations (elevator pitches, information meeting dinners (with booze), and CCS client tricks).

The unique feature of a job interview to a real-life job posting was a special part of Comm 299 this term. I’m glad to have experienced the stress, pressure, and questions involved in interviews and preparation ahead of time was an obvious factor for success, I realized. The feedback I received after the interview was also very helpful.

I hope I remember all of the advice I learned from Comm 299 because I know it will be useful in the very near future.

Elle Woods’ One-of-a-Kind Resume