Would Nintendo’s new attempt success?



Luna Zhang’s Blog introducing Nintendo’s new quality of life products got my attention since it contradicted with my expectation of a product introduced by Nintendo.
I think the market which Nintendo has chosen has some potential as people in any generation do desire to have a better quality of life. People will never stop seeking for better and easier way to improve their quality of life.

However, the question is will customers understand and accept such proposition made by Nintendo who is a new comer in the market? In addition, no one can estimate if long time clients and investors will allow such a new investment made in a field which absolutely has no relevance to its known video games.

Moreover, there are many people who carry smartphones nowadays. One can add various functions to the phone just by downloading applications. This is becoming the standard among consumers as it is more convenient and cost efficient. How will Nintendo compete with such smartphones?

It is hard to evaluate the value proposition and competitiveness of this new device since details are yet to be announced, but Nintendo should carefully assess the market and set its value proposition in accordance to such market trends in order to survive the intense competition.
Nintendo should appeal its history and current position as the leader in the game industry. By doing so, they can maintain the loyal customers while attracting new ones which will eventually result in increased revenue and profit for Nintendo.

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