Memo for Best LinkedIn Practices


To: Team Rocket, ENGL 301 Team

From: Jenny Li, ENGL 301 Student

Date: October 22, 2021

Subject: 10 Best LinkedIn Practices

LinkedIn is a professional networking site that combines resume with social network. Blow is a helpful 10 step guide to successfully using LinkedIn:

  1. Complete LinkedIn profile as much as possible because filled-out profiles come up first when searched (Kurtuy).
  2. Write an attention-catching summary but be concise (Omoth).
  3. Take a clear, professional profile picture. Dress appropriately and make sure to have good lighting. The photograph should be professional but you should appear friendly (Kurtuy).
  4. Have a resume that is tailored towards the correct audience. Think about the kind of job you are seeking use keywords recruiters would likely search for (Borsellino).
  5. Avoid buzzwords like “hardworking”, “driven”, “successful”, etc. Anyone can insert buzzwords like these into their resume so alone, they do not mean anything. Give specific examples as to how you embody these positive qualities (Borsellino).
  6. Display any memorable projects by adding a “Featured section”. To do this, go to profile, then “add profile section”, and select “Featured” (Kurtuy).
  7. Build more connections as it will help your profile become more visible. Aim for more connections with people you know personally, rather than strangers (Omoth).
  8. Start building relationships by sending a message after making a connection (Top Dog Social Media).
  9. Regularly check messages and reply promptly (Omoth).
  10. Stay active! Do not only remember it when you need a job. Use the site consistently (Borsellino).

To successfully utilize LinkedIn, incorporate as many of these tips as possible for the best outcome. Should further questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Works Cited

“LinkedIn Etiquette and Best Practices [20 Do’s and Don’ts].” Top Dog Social Media, 22 Oct. 2021.

Borsellino, Regina. “The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers.” The Muse, Accessed 22 Oct. 2021.

Kurtuy, Andrei. “21+ Essential LinkedIn Profile Tips For Job-Seekers.” Novoresume, Accessed 22 Oct. 2021.

Omoth, Tyler. “10 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out (2021 Guide).” Top Resume, Accessed 22 Oct. 2021.

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