Assignment 2.3: Progress Report Memorandum



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: October 25, 2021
Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress Report: Ridership Efficiency in Bus Route 49 to UBC Vancouver Campus

Please find this as an update to my progress on my formal report which has been posted to my writing team forum for viewing. Attached to this memo is a copy of the following document.

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for improving ridership efficiency and quality by using cost-effective boarding and travel considerations for students on Bus Route 49 to UBC Vancouver Campus.

Intended Audience

Michael McDaniel, President and General Manager of the Coast Mountain Bus Company, as part of the TransLink Board of Directors, Senior Executive Team. The guided recommendations can then be further reviewed among the TransLink Board of Directors.

Report Objectives

The purposes of this report are:

  • To raise awareness on the concerns of ridership inefficiency on bus route 49 for students of UBC
  • To provide cost-effective recommendations on potential solutions to increase ridership efficiency and quality of service
  • To maintain transit ridership and revenue for the TransLink Company

Significance of Report

  • Bus route 49 remains the major route to UBC for many students
  • The report provides potential solutions to benefit the TransLink company, the UBC student body, and the environment


Primary data collection via an online survey targeting TransLink Bus riders that frequent bus route 49 to UBC. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to research and gather data for this report:

Data collection will also be aimed to conduct an interview with an employee of the Coast Mountain Bus Company. Attached below is the presented interview plan with guideline questions.

Secondary sources will include literature of publicly available data released by TransLink

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

Research Plan:

In order to research ridership efficiency and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

  • Review concerns of ridership efficiency on bus route 49
  • Compile primary data sources
    • Record observational data on bus route 49 inefficiency and consequential problems
    • Survey concerns on ridership inefficiency on bus route 49 from students who frequent this route to UBC
    • Plan interview with an employee of bus route 49
  • Data source preparation
    • Compose survey and interview questions including an ethical introduction
    • Review Instructor’s blog in regard to ethical survey introductions
  • Review secondary research findings and resources
  • Compile a report on potential recommendations to improve ridership efficiency

Writing Schedule:

The following is my writing schedule for the coming months:

  • October 29: Formal report outline/progress report for a formal report
  • November 1: Collect research and reports on primary data
  • November 8: Compile initial report with data
  • November 16: Formal report draft
  • November 19: Peer review formal report draft
  • November 23: Peer review edits
  • November 26: Formal report final

Thank you for taking the time to review the progress of my formal report, professional insight will help me improve the quality of my research findings and this report. Please let me know if you require any additional information.

Enclosure: Assignment 2-3 Interview

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