Memorandum – Progress Report_Marketing Analysis for Glacier Greens Farm


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of Eng 301 Technical Writing

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, Team Potluck Member, Eng 301 Technical Writing

Date: October 29, 2021

Subject: Progress on Formal Marketing Analysis for Glacier Greens Farms (GGF) and Comparative Report of Vegetable Packaging for GGF

Dear Dr. Paterson,

Thank you for your assistance in guiding us in making a formal report. As you have requested, below is my progress report.

Purpose of the report and significance of the report

This report aims to provide marketing recommendations for maximizing revenue of Glacier Greens Farms during its launch on January 15, 2022 and provide a comparative report for vegetable packaging for the company’s products.


The report will be submitted to Jessica Fung, owner of Glacier Greens Farms (GGF).

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To determine potential customer’s vegetable buying preferences and habits
  • To assist in setting the price of the farm’s produce
  • To provide recommendations on finding other sales channels other than retail sales to maximize revenue
  • The comparative report for vegetable packaging will help determine the right packaging option for the company’s products and determine the initial packaging costs that the owner has to allocate for packaging.


Primary data collection via an online survey targeted to GGF’s potential customers who reside within School District 44 in North Vancouver.

Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Primary data collection on vegetable packaging products and pricing will be collected through emails and phone.

Secondary sources will include researching vegetable retail marketing trends and reports.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

WordOutline_Formal ReportRevisedLASalamanca

Research plan: 

In order to conduct a marketing analysis and provide recommendations, I plan to:

  • Coordinate with Jessica Fung to determine the types of vegetables and pricing recommended by the farm manufacturer
  • Record prices of selected vegetables from two upscale supermarkets in the area to determine the maximum price that customers can tolerate 
  • Conduct surveys to identify types of vegetables that customers prefer to buy and GGF can produce
  • Research market demographics and marketing trends in the vegetable industry to identify marketing opportunities for GGF
  • Research packaging products and pricing through industry websites, email, and phone
  • Data analysis on surveys 
  • Produce visuals based on survey data 
  • Writing Schedule:

November 1-7           Conduct survey and start secondary data collection

November 8-15         Initiate data processing and analysis

Start writing market analysis draft 

November 16            Formal report draft due

November 19            Peer review of formal report draft due

November 26           Formal report due   

Thank you for taking the time to review this progress report and professional insights that will help me improve on this report.

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