Assignment 4:3 – Web Folio


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL301 99A Technical Writing
From: Coco Chen, Student of of ENGL301 99A Technical Writing
Date: December 10, 2021
Subject: Web Folio

Please see attached the link to my Web Folio as required for Assignment 4:3. The link includes the following elements:

  • Home – A welcome page for readers, a general overview of this Web Folio and suggestions for navigation.
  • Application Packages – A page describing the work I did as a UBC student applying for packages, including job advertisements, cover letters, resumes and 3 letters of recommendation.
  • Best Work – This page shows my comments and takeaways after each revised assignment in ENGL301, with links to the full revised assignment.
  • Bio – a short biography
  • Blog – this page reflects on reflections on each unit during the ENGL301 study
  • Resume – an online version of the current up-to-date resume

If you have any further information that is required or if there are any questions, please let me know via my email:


Encosure Coco Chen’s Web Folio

Thank you.

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