Madeleine Leroux’s Peer Review of Jasmin Senghera’s LinkedIn Profile
First Impressions:
I can tell you put time and effort into the profile. All the fields have been filled out, the banner adds a personal touch, and it is a visually appealing profile.
Quality of Content
Professional Summary
The summary contains keywords related to your field, which will make it easy to search for you. You effectively describe what you are current situation, and the field you would like to work in. It is clear and concise. However, in the last paragraph you mention personality traits and fail to bring in concrete evidence to prove these facts. I think the summary would be even more engaging if provide examples for why you have great communication skills.
Quality of Headline
The headline does describe who you are, but doesn’t describe your intent. From my LinkedIn research, it is best to describe what you are looking for in the headline so others can easily search for you. However, it is concise and the headline shows up in its entirety when you appear in search results.
Work & Volunteer Experience
The use of “action” words is great. However, you are missing quantifiable examples in your work and volunteer experience. How many aerial photos did you circulate? How many site searches did you perform? Treat the work experience on LinkedIn, as you would on your resume.
UBC is properly listed and linked to.
Quality and Appropriateness of Profile Picture and Banner
While it is a nice photo, it is a little dark and out of focus for a LinkedIn profile picture. A picture where I can clearly see your eyes, and you are clearly distinguished from the background would “pop” more and be more professional. Adding a banner was nice touch to personalize your page, and to distinguish it from others.
Cohesive Organization
Work experience is listed in a consistent chronological order and is easy to read. The method to list your experience (bullet points) was consistent in each entry. It’s a visually appealing profile.
– In your professional summary, the last sentence of the first paragraph has too many commas.
– In the same paragraph, I believe you can omit the word “greatly” to describe your interests
– Focused only has one “s”.
All the fields have been filled out, and it looks like you’ve put lots of time and effort into the profile. You’ve included your interests as well, which shows engagement. You’ve also personalized your URL, making it easier to access your page.
Concluding Comments
You have a complete profile that I enjoyed reading. I would suggest:
- Proofreading your profile one more time
- Providing quantifiable examples in your experience and summary
Please visit Jasmin’s profile page here
Please view my Peer Review Template here
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