2:3 Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for the Determining the Feasibility of Replacing Paper Cups with an Ecologically Better Material in Costa Coffee Kazakhstan proposal.


  1. Background of the Costa Coffee brand
  2. The Current Hot Beverage Cups Used at the Costa Coffee Kazakhstan
  3. The Issues with the Currently Used Paper Cups
  4. Purpose and Audience of this Report
  5. Brief Description of Data Sources and Methods


  1. Analysis of Customer and Corporate Culture in Eco-friendly Cups Adaptation
    • Reactions to the Environmentally Friendly Substitutes for the Paper Cups
      • Paper Cups and Opinions on Replacement
      • Using Environmentally Friendly Cups and Preferences for the Solution type
    • Analysis of the Other Coffee Chains Experiences with the Replacement of Paper Cups
  2. Cost and Benefits of Replacing Paper Cups with Biodegradable Plastic Cups
    • Environmental and Health Benefits of the Biodegradable Plastic Cups
    • Estimating the Costs of Each System
  3. Marketing Value and Company Image Impact


  1. Summary and Interpretations of Findings
  2. Recommendations

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