Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Outline

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor
From: Samuel Kobierski
Date: February 23, 2019
Subject: English 301 Formal Report Outline – Proposal for the Construction of a Towing Tank at the University of British Columbia


A. Summary
B. Statement of Problem
C. Target Audience
D. Purpose of Report
E. Outline Data Sources
F. Scope of this report


A. Current Availability of Towing Tanks

i. In Canada
ii. In the United States
iii. Worldwide

B. Towing Tank requirements by stakeholders

i. Academia

a. Interview with Professor Mikkelsen, UBC NAME Co-chair
b. Interview with Dr. McKesson, UBC NAME Co-chair

ii. Industry

a. Consultation with local Naval Architecture firms
b. Analysis of towing tank operations worldwide

C. Operating Expenses of a Tow Tank

i. Construction Expenses
ii. Operating Expenses


A. Restate Summary
B. Summarize Findings Contained in the Report
C. Restate Statement of Problem
D. Concluding Sentence

301 Samuel Kobierski Formal Report Outline

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