Unit 2 Reflection

The assignments of Unit 2 definitely helped shape my knowledge of practical communication skills. I enjoyed researching and learning more about LinkedIn in particular, as it is practical knowledge and skills to be used. I already had an account prior to this course, but researching the best practises for it and ways to enhance my profile to be more professional and attract more attention was extremely beneficial. From my own research as well as my peers’, I am being more involved by adding people to my network in my industry as well as following relevant pages and groups.

Initially I was unclear about what was expected for the Formal Report as a whole, so creating both the proposal and outline was challenging for me. I decided to do a topic which I myself found had value in it, without realizing I would be required to go forward with my proposal. After receiving great feedback from both the professor and my team member, I got a more clear understanding of the assignment and was able to provide feedback for my colleague for her report. I come from a scientific background, so it is slightly difficult for me to understand what a formal feasibility report should be like and I often find myself using the habits of a scientific report.

I enjoy receiving and being able to provide feedback from peers of my group, as it fills in gaps of our knowledge and skills, without feeling a pressure of “losing marks.” The process of peer reviewing and going back and revising your work has been a great learning process, as you can apply what you learned into peer-reviewing someone else’s work. Overall, Unit 2 has been slightly more challenging than Unit 1, but also more rewarding and informative.



Peer Review for Mahsa Ehtemam’s Research Proposal




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