To: Evan Crisp
From: Madison Davies
Date: 06 March 2019
Subject: Successful Email Communication
I have reviewed the email sent to Professor Lambert on your behalf. Please find below my recommendations that I believe will make your message more efficient and therefore increase your likelihood of receiving a response.
Tips for Effective Email Communication
The following tips can act as a guide towards more productive email communication:
- Include a message in the subject of the email which summarizes your email and write the course number
- Address the professor in a professional manner showing respect. For example, “Good morning Professor Lambert”
- Use proper punctuation and capitalization in your message
- Avoid using contractions such as “it’s” and replace with “it is” to show the formality of the email. In addition, do not use slang contractions such as “ttfn”, and replace with “Best regards” or “Thank you”
- End the message with your name, contact information, and student number
These tips can guide effective email communication with our peers, colleagues, and superiors. If you have any further comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email-
Best regards,
Madison Davies
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