Professional Networking

First on the agenda for this blog post is an invitation to all of you, who haven’t done so already, to connect on my Linkedin page; I m happy to be available as a future reference for students. I am also happy to verify your skills as professional/technical writers at the end of the semester. I can indeed be a valuable resource and linking up with me could be a good addition to developing your professional social network.

Second, as it turns out, I am presently completing a new application package for a faculty position with the Semester at Sea Global Studies program. Accordingly, I am re-vamping my LinkedIn page for this position. You will see changes on my profile over the next few days, and an example of how to tailor your Linked-in profile for a particular objective. I should be finished with the re-design in a couple of days. And, just as I can be a valuable resource for your professional social network, you are all equally valuable for my future endeavours: student reviews have a significant impact (typically positive) on applications for teaching with cool organizations like the Semester at Sea program.


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