Peer Review: Definition Assignment

English 301 Lesson 1:3 Assignments: Peer review

An example:


From : XXXXX

Peer Review / Term: Genetic Engineering

Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1:3.  Please see my review of the document below, I have enjoyed reading your assignment and have made some suggestions for improvements, which I hope are helpful.

First Impressions:

 This looks like an impressive document, with all the assignment requirements well-organized, including good visuals correctly labeled, and an extensive works cited list correctly formatted.


  •  A good introduction to the assignment with a clear and detailed description of intended readers and circumstances.
  • This looks like a well-organized document; I think bolding the headings will further improve the organization and make it easier to read quickly.
  • The title for Figure 1 is not directly below the visual on the word doc.
  • All visuals and figures need correct citation – please refer to the textbook example for proper placement.
  • The document ends abruptly, maybe a short concluding passage that returns the reader to the initial description of the “modified yeast colonies.”


  •  Your use of parenthetical definitions throughout your main document is excellent and really assists with understanding the definitions you provide.
  • Overall, your expression is even and your tone is professional: clear, to the point and concise.
  • Some phrases sound too much like they come straight from an encyclopedia. For example:
    • “In the past, mankind practiced selective breeding as an inefficient alternative to genetic engineering.”
    • The problem is ‘mankind’ is both a dated and a sexist term.
    • It seems strange to call selective breeding an “inefficient alternative” to GE because GE did not exist until recently, so it could hardly have been an alternative to breeding in the past.


  • The document is complete according to the assignment requirements; it includes
    • A detailed introduction
    • Three forms of definition
    • Four types of expansion
    • A visual
    • A works cited list


  •  While the two visuals are correctly labeled – they are too small for me to make sense, and I think I need more explanation of how these visuals will assist in understanding GE?

 Works Cited List:

  •  An impressive works cited list – but I don’t think all your entries are correct MLA – I think you are missing necessary dates?

Grammar and Typos:

  • I noticed a number of small errors as I read through the first time; one example is: “Genetic engineering is a type of biotechnological methods that relies on direct manipulation of the organism’s genome.”
  •  Please note that “a type” is singular and “methods” is plural; this needs correction.

 Concluding Comments:

 Your definition is interesting to read; informative and nicely organized, thank you. With the following edits, and a good proof read for small errors, this will be a really useful and excellent document:

  • Bold headings
  • Correct problems with visuals
  • Self-edit for typos and grammatical expression (see note above)
  • Include a proper conclusion
  • Double check Works Cited list

Thank you and please feel free to ask any questions, it has been a pleasure reviewing this work. Enjoy.


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