Category: The incrEDIBLES

Madie Leroux, Hannah Becker, Harsha Bhamra and Jasmin Senghera.

Three Definitions Assignment

Hi IncrEDIBLES,   This assignment entails defining a term relevant to our discipline in three different ways. I have chosen the term ‘hegemon’ which is commonly used in my studies of Political Science. I will provide a parenthetical, sentence, and

Unit 1 Peer Review for Harsha

Name of the Reviewer: Madeleine Leroux Author’s Name: Harsha Bhamra Title of the Expanded Definition: Hypothalamus Three Questions That Came to Mind: What exactly do nuclei do? How do I find out what my recommended amount of sleep is? Do

Definitions Assignment

Introduction Dear incrEDIBLES, The purpose of this assignment is to define a single term relevant to my discipline, in three different ways as instructed on the English 301 course website. Thus, I chose the term ‘pyranometer’ and gave a parenthetical,

Three Definitions Assingment

Hello Team incrEDIBLES, As requested on the English 301 course website, I have written three definitions about a complex term commonly used in computer science. The term I have chosen is “recursion”. In order to practice my writing techniques I’ve



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