Category: The TechniWriters

Bara’a Alabbas, Jenny Bachynski, Samuel Kobierski, Navỵ Vo

Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 01, 2019 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Proposal – Proposal for the Creation of an Undergraduate Degree in Naval Architecture at UBC Introduction Recently, the marine industry has experienced

Assignment 2:1 – Memo to Dr. Erika Paterson

To:             Dr. Erika Paterson From:        Jenny Bachynski Date:         February 1, 2019 Subject:    Formal Report Proposal Dear Dr. Paterson, As advised for Assignment 2:1, I have drafted up a

Assignment 2:1 – Research Proposal

To:             Dr. Erika Paterson From:       Jenny Bachynski Date:         February 1, 2019 Subject:   Proposal for Increasing Participation of the Vancouver Public Library’s Children and Infant Literacy Programs Introduction The Vancouver

Assignment 1:3 – Definitions – Peer Review

To: Jenny Bachynski From: Samuel Kobierski Date: January 22, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 1:3 – Peer Review Dear Ms. Bachynski, I have thoroughly reviewed your first post, Assignment 1.3 -Definitions, which details your definition of the term, “Graphics Tablet.” I have

Assignment 1.3 – Thu Vo’s Peer Review of Definitions for Bara’a Alabbas

TO:               Bara’a Alabbas, Member of team The TechniWriters, English 301 99C course FROM:         Thu Vo, Member of team The TechniWriters, English 301 99C course T.V. DATE:          January 20, 2019 SUBJECT:   301 Peer Review, Assignment 1.3 Definitions for Bara’a Alabbas I have

1.3 – Peer Review of Definitions

TO:               Samuel Kobierski FROM:         Jenny Bachynski, The TechniWriters DATE:          January 20, 2019 SUBJECT:   Review of Your Assignment 1.3 – Definitions I have reviewed your current draft of Assignment 1.3 – Definitions. Thank you for taking the time to provide such

Assignment 1.3 – Three Definitions – Thu Vo

Dear fellow students, For assignment 1.3, as instructed in this blog post on the English 301 website, each student is required to choose a relatively complex term in their discipline and write three descriptions. The meaning of this word will

Assignment 1.3 – Definitions

To: Dr. Erika Paterson & The TechniWriters From: Samuel Kobierski Date: January 18, 2019 Subject: English 301 – Assignment 1:3 – Definitions To Whom It May Concern, This assignment introduces the value and place definitions have in technical writing. The

Assignment 1.3 -Definitions

This assignment’s aim is to communicate the purpose or process of a term used in our field of discipline. I will be using a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition to inform of a term from my design background. As a


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