Category: The Writing Technicians

Tamar Tucker-Harrison, Beenish Fatima, Cathrine Sarmiento, Brionne Mcwilliams

Formal Report Memo

To: Erika Paterson From: Brionne McWilliams Date: February 1, 2019 Subject: Formal Report Proposal Dear Dr. Paterson, Based on the course schedule, I have written a formal report proposal pertaining to ways we can increase government funding access to severely

Peer Review of Assignment 1.3 Write Three Definitions “Shot Distance”

To: Tamar Tucker-Harrison From: Brionne McWilliams Peer Review / Term: Shot Distance Thank you for submitting your definition for lesson 1:3. Please see my review of the first draft of your document below. I enjoyed reading your first draft due

Peer Review of Assignment 1.3 Write Three Definitions (Frontotemporal Dementia)

To: Brionne McWilliams From: Tamar Tucker-Harrison Subject: Peer Review of Assignment 1.3 Write Three Definitions (Frontotemporal Dementia)   Questions I had reading the definition: How does the development of this illness affect the patient’s daily life going forward? Are there

Peer Review of Three Definition Assignment: “1.3 Neuroleptics”

January 27th, 2019 Title of Expanded Definition: 1.3 Neuroleptics Author: Catherine Keye Sarmiento Review: Beenish Fatima Three questions: 1. What are some examples of neuroleptics, as in what sort of drugs that audience might be familiar with is a neuroleptic?

Assignment 1.3 Write Three Definitions

Hello Writing Technicians! Introduction: Assignment 1.3 asks students to write three different definitions, each varying in the amount of detail provided, for a complex term within our discipline. The objective of this assignment is to understand when to use certain

Review of “Three Definition Assignment – Antimetabolite”

To:         Beenish Fatima From:    Cathrine Sarmiento Subject: Review of “Three Definition Assignment – Antimetabolite”   Helpful to readers who have a basic background in anatomy and physiology, the three definitions used in describing the term “antimetabolite” yield a

1.3 Definition Assignment – Shot distance

Introduction In Assignment 1.3, the writer must define a term from an academic field for an uninformed audience of the writers choosing. The objective is for the writer to communicate the moderately complex, discipline-specific term to the supposed group using

1.3 Three Definition Assignment–Antimetabolite

Hello Fellow Writing Technicians! Below is my completed three definition assignment, I look forward to hearing your feedback! Introduction: Assignment 1.3 requires the composition of three different types of definitions for a specific discipline related term, all aimed at explaining


PARENTHETICAL DEFINITION: Neuroleptics (antipsychotic drugs) are classified as either conventional or atypical antipsychotic drugs.   SENTENCE DEFINITION: Neuroleptics, also known as antipsychotics, are drugs used to treat patients who have been diagnosed with psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, and patients


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