Instructor’s Blog

Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class. I will post a new blog regularly and include a link to each new blog on our Group FaceBook page. Please be sure to join that page now, if you haven’t already. Here is the link: English 301 .

Memos and messages

By erikapaterson on March 20, 2019 @6:37 am

An example of an excellent memo: MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English Professor From: XXX XXX, English 301 98A student X.X. Date: May 17, 2016 Subject: Attachment of Letter of Application As instructed in the English 301 course website, I

Welcome January 2018

By erikapaterson on January 2, 2019 @7:10 am

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together and Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your

Drafting a Formal Report: Tips.

By erikapaterson on November 17, 2017 @7:42 am

Hello  301 Drafting your Formal Report Here are some notes to follow for writing your first draft of your Formal Report: Use YOU attitude; every sentence you write, consider your reader[s]: Ask yourself, does my reader already know this information? If so,

LinkedIn Peer Review: an Example

By erikapaterson on February 13, 2019 @12:59 pm

ENGL 301: LinkedIn Peer Review Form Here is an example of a LinkedIn peer review to follow. Please note the minimal use of pronouns. Date: xxx xxx Peer Reviewer: xxxxx Author: xxxxx LinkedIn URL: https://ca.linkedin.xxxxx Hello xxx, Thank you for submitting your LinkedIn

Surveys and Schedules

By erikapaterson on October 16, 2017 @8:32 am

Good Monday Morning; While your next assignments are of course your Linked-In research memos and profiles, you are also expected to be moving forward with your Formal Report investigation at the same time. Please consider the comments left on your


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