Instructor’s Blog

Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class. I will post a new blog regularly and include a link to each new blog on our Group FaceBook page. Please be sure to join that page now, if you haven’t already. Here is the link: English 301 .

22 Sept: Reflections on Unit One

By erikapaterson on September 26, 2016 @9:48 am

Good Monday 301: Four teams are up on the Team Forum today, and as soon as the remaining teams post their members and team name, I will include new pages. You can expect to receive evaluation sheets at the end

Welcome to English 301 Sept 2016

By erikapaterson on September 6, 2016 @6:55 am

Welcome to my instructor’s blog I will post a new blogs on a regular basis which you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Self-editing Formal Reports

By erikapaterson on March 18, 2019 @8:46 am

  I have almost completed my round of evaluations for Unit Two and have some notes for you to follow as you self-edit your final draft of your report and your Web folio. Errors in expression that are caused by

Drafting your Formal Report

By erikapaterson on July 12, 2016 @9:44 am

Good Monday morning 301 Drafting your Formal Report Here are some notes to follow for writing your first draft of your Formal Report: Use YOU attitude; every sentence you write, consider your reader[s]: Ask yourself, does my reader already know this information?

Drafting your Method’s Section

By erikapaterson on June 27, 2016 @1:44 pm

Drafting your Methods Section  The key to drafting your Method’s section is to include both details and explanations. Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section to follow. I have highlighted the details in blue and the explanations in green. Method of Research Sixty-five


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