Instructor’s Blog

Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class. I will post a new blog regularly and include a link to each new blog on our Group FaceBook page. Please be sure to join that page now, if you haven’t already. Here is the link: English 301 .

Subject Lines and Files Names

By erikapaterson on February 19, 2016 @8:14 am

Subject Lines I am sure you can all imagine how much email and how many documents I file on a regular basis — all you need to do to is multiply the assignments you are responsible for each week by

An Example of an Excellent Refection Blog

By erikapaterson on February 17, 2016 @9:56 am

Good day 301; I am posting a link to an example of a reflection blog that fulfills all of my expectations; this example is thoughtful, well expressed, full of details, free of unnecessary words and most importantly, it is complete.

Peer Reviews for Report Proposals

By erikapaterson on February 4, 2016 @3:40 pm

Here are some tips for preparing to peer review a Formal Report Proposal Before you read the document prepare a template designed with the requirements of the assignment in mind. Consider each element of the assignment and make a list

Definitions and Peer Review

By erikapaterson on February 1, 2016 @7:57 am

With lesson 1:3 assignments you are practicing four writing techniques: The art of definition — and the importance of always considering your reader’s needs first. The art of Peer Review  Self-editing based on review Reflection on your writing techniques  Assignment #1: Definitions, should not present too

Extra guidelines for Formal Report Proposals

By erikapaterson on January 30, 2016 @7:31 pm

This blog is meant to guide you with preparations for creating your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process in our textbook Below you will find: A brief discussion on


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