Instructor’s Blog

Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class. I will post a new blog regularly and include a link to each new blog on our Group FaceBook page. Please be sure to join that page now, if you haven’t already. Here is the link: English 301 .

Some Excellent Examples of a Reflection Blog & More

By erikapaterson on October 27, 2015 @9:43 am

Good day 301; Reflection Blogs I am posting a link to an example of a reflection blog that fulfills all of my expectations; this example is thoughtful, well expressed, full of details, free of unnecessary words and most importantly, it

Monday Oct 26: Examples of Peer review and tips for drafting your formal report

By erikapaterson on October 27, 2015 @6:22 am

Good Monday morning 301 I am working my way through your Unit Two evaluations and expect to be complete before the end of the week. In the meantime, I am posting an example of an excellent Peer Review for the

Monday Oct 20: Surveys

By erikapaterson on October 20, 2015 @6:05 am

Examples of a Survey Introduction I have finished reading through your proposals and some of you have begun to send me your surveys for approval. A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys;

Monday Oct 5 Unit One Evaluation Process

By erikapaterson on October 5, 2015 @3:28 am

As I read through your assignments for  Unit One, I want to review and clarify my assessment process for you all. First, just as I asked you to describe your learning philosophies on your welcome pages, I want to detail my

Monday Sept 28: Lesson 1:3 Definitions & Peer Review

By erikapaterson on September 29, 2015 @9:24 am

Hello 301, With lesson 1:3 assignments you are practicing four writing techniques: The art of definition — and the importance of always considering your reader’s needs first. The art of Peer Review  Self-editing based on review Reflection on your writing techniques  Assignment #1: Definitions, should


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