

My name is Sydney Storie. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Psychology at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Before attending UBCO, I studied at Thompson Rivers University for the Animal Welfare Certificate Program.

As you can see from the images on my web folio, I have a strong passion for animals. Growing up on a farm has allowed me to care, feed, exercise, and groom many animals from cattle, dogs, llamas, horses, pigs, cats and so on. I remember there were days, more often than not, that I would sleep outside in the barn alongside the sick animals or when there was a new life about to be born. Raising and breeding Saint Bernard puppies, participating with dew-claw removals, microchipping, socializing and training of the puppies provided me with stronger compassionate skills. I have experienced life and death of many animals while living on a farm along with participation in surgeries where vet access was not available.

When I was 8 years old, I cared for 2 sick dairy cows, in the process of caring for these cows, I became infected with cryptosporidium sending me to the hospital. Despite being seriously ill and life-threatening for a child, I recovered a few weeks later and continued my passionate care for animals.

In 2014, I volunteered at a veterinary clinic in Brazil as well as volunteered at a Professional Championship Horse farm where I cared for and trained horses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. In 2015, being accepted into the Animal Health Technology program at TRU provided me with the opportunity to be employed at a veterinary clinic. In 2018, I was accepted into the University of Queensland Veterinary School. I completed numerous animal certificates, as well as, started a Kennel and Dog grooming business during the summer months. Please access the link at the bottom of the page to explore Kennels on the Kettle Dog Boarding & Grooming.

This web folio allows you to explore my qualifications, skills, and networking sites along with the ability to review my resume, application package, and previous work experience.

Under the blog page, you may find examples of my technical writing skills. Please refer to the LinkedIn page to access my LinkedIn profile. An online resume is provided under the resume page. To review some of my best work please navigate over to my best work page.

I wish you a pleasant read.

Kennels on the Kettle Dog Boarding & Grooming


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