Assignment 1.1 – Introduction

Hi everyone! 

I’m Indra and I’m an English literature major in my last year at UBC. Apart from reading, my passions include film, theatre and history. So far throughout my studies I have focused on taking courses on British Literature so I’m looking forward to reading and engaging with Canadian texts and stories in an academic setting. As this is my first time using a blog to take an online course, I’m interested to see how the format will allow for us all to make connections and engage with each other’s blogs.

ENGL 372 aims to explore the literature and stories of Canadians with an emphasis on Indigenous people and the way in which so many voices have been ignored in this country. The course will allow us to realise the importance of storytelling and how the literary history of Canada can reveal social and political trends as well, such as the impacts of colonialism and racism. The course will also give us the chance to engage with each others opinions and learn from our differing perspectives. 

During this course I expect to read and engage with the stories and voices of authors and writers that are new to me and to engage with my classmates to hear their own opinions on these topics. I also hope that the course will help me to further understand my own relationship with Canada, being the daughter of immigrants. I’m really looking forward to learning as much as I can from this course, as I think it is so important to learn about the lives and stories of people who are different from yourself in order to build relationships and form connections. 

I have posted a link below to an article that outlines the completion of the first Big House in over 100 years for the Heiltsuk Nation, which I think is interesting to read about as it demonstrates the importance of spaces and the continuance of tradition for Indigenous people to protect their culture. I have also included a link to the trailer of a new Canadian film called “The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open” which follows the story of two Indigenous women in Vancouver. I am very keen to see this as I think delving into various mediums such as film can allow us to experience narratives and stories in different ways that immerse us into the lives of others. 

Thank you for reading my first post and I look forward to getting to know you all this semester!

Works Cited:

Smart, Amy. “’It’s a Symbol of Our Strength’: Heiltsuk Open First Big House in 120 Years | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 14 Oct. 2019,

Tailfeathers, Elle-Máijá and Kathleen Hepburn, directors. The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open. YouTube, 2019,

3 thoughts on “Assignment 1.1 – Introduction”

  1. Hi Indra! I’m Jacob, also a fourth-year English Literature Major at UBC. Nice to meet you. 🙂

    I as well have a passion for film, especially dramas that explore people’s lives through a realist lense. The medium is excellent for providing an emotional and poignant telling of stories that most people may not have access to, so I get very excited when I see a film come around like “The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open.” After watching the trailer, I feel as if the film does what this class is trying to do: it tells a story from two distinctly different perspectives to bridge an understanding. When films come along that tell Indigenous stories that are acted and directed by Indigenous people, it feels like Indigenous culture is being revitalized, comparable to how a new Heiltsuk Big House has been built, in turn strengthening their community through implementing traditions and putting their mark back on their land in a significant way. It is inspiring to see Indigenous communities and cultures being strengthened and expanded, whether it’s through maintaining tradition or creating modern forms of art.

    I’m certainly going to be looking for that film – thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Jacob,
      It’s nice to meet you too! I’m glad to hear that you were also drawn to this film and thank you for taking the time to write such an eloquent response to my post. I look forward to reading more of your posts this semester!

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