Assignment 3.5 – Question #3

  1. What are the major differences or similarities between the ethos of the creation story or stories you are familiar with and the story King tells in The Truth About Stories?

The creation story that I am most familiar with is Adam and Eve, which has been represented in artwork throughout history and is one of the main ways by which I have learnt about the story, so I did some searching to find some artwork that reflected Indigenous creation stories as I think it’s an engaging way to see these stories represented. I was able to find several similarities, but more differences, when comparing Adam and Eve’s story to Thomas King’s Earth Diver creation story. 

One of the main differences that King himself points out is how in contrast to the Adam and Eve story in which the world is “governed by a series of hierarchies — God, man, animals, plants — that celebrate law, order, and good government,” the Earth Diver story outlines the creation of a balanced, equal world in which the different animals, humans and Charm all play a role in creating their “beautiful world” (King 23). This results in a more harmonious world based on unity rather than one that is created and controlled by one entity, such as God in the Adam and Eve story.

Another difference is the role of the women in these stories. While Charm is first introduced as already existing, Eve is created from Adam’s rib and is thus immediately linked to the man in the story. She is already placed in an inferior place from the start of the story, and she is later blamed for the fall of man. Charm on the other hand drives the story, and her independence, interactions and curiosity play an important role in the story, allowing her to exist without having to be connected to a male figure. Lastly, the Earth Diver story ends with a positive, harmonious world and the emphasis on how everyone worked together to create it. In stark contrast, the Adam and Eve story creates a sense of discord and conflict as it serves to convey what people should not do and the introduction of sin into the world. 

The similarities I found include how both stories have dichotomies, such as men/women and good/evil in the Adam and Eve story and the twins who represent dichotomies such as boys/girls, lightness/darkness and left-handed/right-handed in the Earth Diver story. Both stories also emphasize the roles of animals, although with contrasting effects as the serpent in Adam and Eve encourages Eve’s temptation and is thus presented as being evil while the various animals that Charm interacts with are not. The main similarity I found between the two creation stories is that they both require for the listener/reader to believe – knowing that there is no way to prove the events in the stories. 

While there are similarities to be found between the two stories, I think that they are most notable in their differences as they have very different overall tones and messages. While Adam and Eve are highlighted as an example of sin and the consequences that come from that, the Earth Diver story presents a view on how unity and teamwork can create the best outcomes. Overall, they use very different techniques and display contrasting ideals concerning the creation of the world.


Works Cited:

“Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder.” The Courtauld Institute of Art,

King, Thomas. The Truth About Stories. House of Anansi Press Inc., 2003.

Lavallee, Kenneth. “Creation Story.” Kenneth Lavallee,


3 thoughts on “Assignment 3.5 – Question #3”

  1. Hi Indrai,
    In my experience with Christianity and the analysis of the major texts associated with them, I found that Christianity often created stories, that made the reader or listener feel a sense of overbearing presence. Often stories end with a final concluding lesson that almost always gives the sense that an overarching being is always present to make sure we do what is right and are punished when we wrong. This greatly differs from the sense that I get from First Nations stories where it is often very open ended, and the interpretation of the purpose is often left to the reader/listener to find their own meaning. I feel that these greatly reflect the different cultural patterns of Western and First Nations culture. If one where to switch the stories (so that Genesis was written by First Nations and the Earth Diver story was written by Christianity), how do you think these stories change? Are these changes significant? Lastly, in your experience of changing these stories, did you find yourself having trouble writing in the style of First Nations, or even in the style of Westerners.

    I look forward to hearing back from you!


  2. Hi Aran,

    Thank you for your question! It’s a very complex idea, as I think that both stories would completely change. I think the Earth Diver story would lose its essence of being harmonious and focused on equal connections between all beings on Earth if it were written by Christianity, and in turn Genesis would not have the same strict tone that I think it does now if it were written using Indigenous forms of storytelling. Both stories reflect very different ideas and values so if they were to be switched they would end up being completely different and would probably be inrecognizable to their original forms. It is a very interesting idea to contemplate as it does make you consider the contrasts between the two and how the cultures that wrote them have such a variety of beliefs and values even when telling the same type of story.

    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Hi Indra,

    Great write-up! I just wanted to thank you for the first hyperlink you shared. It offered an interesting perspective that I had not considered before. I, too, had always only seen artwork of the Garden of Eve. Specifically, when I hear the word “creation”, it is a painting of Adam & Eve! Hence, the artwork on the Indigenous creation story was very refreshing for me!

    Thanks for sharing.

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